2024年11月12日の「AI News」の記事一覧
(全 15 件)
11. 絵描きの頭が悪すぎて上手いイラスト流れてきても冷めた目で見てる
https://anond.hatelabo.jp/20241112074030 0 tweets -
12. GitHub - devidw/inferit: Visual inference exploration & experimentation playground
https://github.com/devidw/inferit 0 tweets -
13. How a stubborn computer scientist accidentally launched the deep learning boom - Ars Technica
https://arstechnica.com/ai/2024/11/how-a-stubborn-computer-scientist-accidentally-launched-the-deep-learning-boom/ 0 tweets -
14. Deliver personalized marketing with Amazon Bedrock Agents | AWS Machine Learning Blog
https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/deliver-personalized-marketing-with-amazon-bedrock-agents/ 0 tweets -
15. Introducing Prompt Canvas: a Novel UX for Developing Prompts
https://blog.langchain.dev/introducing-prompt-canvas/ 0 tweets